Sunday, 23 November 2014

Week Fifty: On a Boat?

Most of the week on the boat this time. Not much of it properly underway, and not as much of it as was originally planned (thanks, there, higher-ups). A little insight into the naval goings-on for a girl on shore duty. Oh yeah, not much traction yet on the charity:water campaign (thanks, family and friends, for the enthusiastic response). Wow, that was a trifle passive aggressive, but ah well. So here's another plug for the thing. Not asking for a huge amount. Any you feel like donating is grand, as all donations are matched by Keurig. My Birthday Campaign.

Day 1 (344): 17th of November
My how time flyeth past. A bit broken-recordish, but rightfully so. Every time I stop and look up, another week has gone by and I'm not entirely sure where it ran off to. Someone really ought to keep me in the loop on these things. Makes one feel all at sea. This shot started like any other sunset shot via iPhone, but then in post I didn't feel like getting too technical, so I just blurred and sepia-ed the lower part. Seemed like a good idea at the time. The colour contrast at least is a bit different. You decide how well the bit works.

Day 2 (345): 18th of November
Up to the boat. Love me some Gaeta. As I've said before, it is a bittersweet thing to come up here to embark on the good ship Whitney. Such a nice place, so it makes a great change of scenery, but it reminds me that we used to be stationed up here in a nice building on the hill  just above the ship. Living up in this neck of the woods would be so much better. Even the drive up is relatively serene. Particularly when that trip starts at 0700. Nice skies.

Not such a bad side of this part of Italy.

And finally the mighty ship herself. In this light she doesn't (really) look like the fourth oldest active ship in the Navy.

Day 3 (346): 19th of November
The rest of the gaggle finally got on board today, so thus began the dance to get senior folks' computer accounts sorted and point out important features such as the toilets and wardroom and gyms. Someone had the bright idea to schedule several meetings in the morning, prior to the arrival of the masses. I thought about attending mine, and just having a good chat with myself at the table. It was suggested later that in that case, I'd at least have minimal arguments, but I pointed out that I can argue with myself better than anyone else I know. It might have made for an interesting side show. This is my room. Note the EEBDs (Emergency Escape Breathing Devices). And the lack of really neatly made beds. Thank goodness no one bothers to inspect officer rooms. Not that this is half as bas as my rooms were on the carrier. Those were decorated and personalised to the max extent possible, because my roommate(s) and I were stuck living in them for many months on end. This one will house me for a few days at the most.

Day 4 (347): 20th of November
Properly underway this morning. I wasn't convinced we'd really pull away from the pier, but in fact we managed to get on the road, so to speak. I have a roommate who I kind of know, but I don't get the feeling she likes me all that much. And she spends rather a lot of time sleeping. Early morning meetings are one thing, but going to bed at 1800? Is ten hours really the going norm these days? I leave for work every day at 0500, and the earliest I fall asleep is 2230. I guess I'm just odd. NO comments on that statement are needed thanks very much. Check out the scenery outside. This is the view from the starboard sponson (that's like a deck on the side of the ship).

Different camera settings. Not too shabby.

Day 5 (348): 21st of November
A day for culinary brilliance. They do feed us well on this ship. And not much money. Three squares for a week costs all of $70. For snack we realised the proper dipping chips were AWOL (thanks, night shift), so the Cool Ranch Doritos had to substitute as a vehicle for the queso. And how they did. After a breakfast of eggs, bacon, french toast, and sausage (all covered in garlic Texas Pete's), and coffee cake, and a lunch of chicken fingers, salad, fries, coffee cake, and cookies, I burgled PB&J fixings for dinner. Such a healthy way to live, no?  I've decided I want the person responsible for the Deadwood soundtrack to do the score for my life. As it is, my dreams have pretty decent tunes, but my day to day needs a good musical treatment and the soundtrack for the much-missed Deadwood is about the right speed. For the longest time I wanted Danny Elfman and/or Curt Smith to do the job, but now I want something different. Not that my love of both those individuals has lapsed; they still have a place in my heart, mind, and dreams. This is a shot of my semi-cyanotic hand (and this is after I'd run it under the warm water in the sink). It gets a bit chilly on board a floating tin can.

You can almost pretend these are normal flip-flops on a sandy beach, rather than shower shoes on blue stateroom carpet. Another change from a carrier room. Those had no carpet.

Good to know which liferaft is mine. But really, I'm on #31 so...

The water on this trip has been like glass. We might as well be pierside as little as the boat has been listing about.There is nothing so soothing as the sound of crew-served weapons shooting into the night. Makes a perfect backdrop to the serenity of a night on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Day 6 (349): 22nd of November
Shafted a day of no commute, prepped meals, and easy living. That said, it will be nice to do crazy things like laundry and not going to meetings on w/end mornings. Pulling back in to Gaeta, the sea state remained the same as it has to whole trip. Look at that surface. An iPhoneto, so bear with me.

A bit hazy this afternoon, but still such a gorgeous, warm (for November) day.

Day 7 (350): 23rd of November
Certain felines have been gimping about noisily, attempting to garner sympathy. And dammit if it's not working. Turns out a tiny piece of an anti-inflammatory in the food seems to be working. Stupid cat. Pretty morning sky.

Leafy thing.

And lemons. Because, well, lemons.

Seems this week was more iPhoneto heavy than usual. Not necessarily for the best, but I kept finding myself in places with no Olympus (and often no Moment lens). Guess I'll just have to hope the intent behind the pics speaks louder than the low quality of the iPhone.

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