Sunday, 29 June 2014

Week Twenty-Nine: OK, Do This

So a fellow photography enthusiast (he's rather better than I) recommended an app called OKDOTHIS, which is all about inspiring people to do more and flex their photography muses. If you are interested, check it out here. I went all projecty on it and it made for an interesting inspiration challenge. See the results below.

Day 1 (197): 23rd of June
This day's Do was to "Go on a walk and create a floral arrangement from the flowers that you forage." Admittedly, I did not go all that far on my walk, but I did indeed make an arrangement. And a cat who was trying to assist in my endeavours eventually wandered off to clean his face in disgust (in the background of the shot).

Merry. Not much more to say.

Day 2 (198): 24th of June
Poking around in the available Dos, I found one that asked me to "Go all Nat Geo on your backyard." In an effort to not call pictures of cats or flowers Nat Geo material, I looked closer and found this guy. No idea where he came from, but there he was, just chilling.

Day 3 (199): 25th of June
Tea time. Easy, and right up my alley. This Do just said "Tea Time (tea cups, tea leaves, tea dresses and parties... Show us your best depiction of tea). I have one or two or fifty mugs in my cupboard, so I chose a selection of the ones closest to the front. Plus a particular favourite type of tea, my tweazers and bag holder, and even the kettle in the background.

Day 4 (200): 26th of June
I used to carry around a notebook all the time. Now I mostly just use them at work. The Do for today asked that I "Let us peek inside your notebook," and luckily I had one full of unclassified things sitting on the sofa. Note the awful penmanship...

Day 5 (201): 27th of June
"Shoot the sun through foliage." Ok. That I can do. All iPhoneto, this one (didn't have the fancy cam with me). And really, I squatted down by a bush, and shot looking up.

Day 6 (202): 28th of June
Today I was torn. I elected to follow the "do of the day" which was "Roofline Envelope: Upside down symmetrical pitched rooflines that are cropped to look like envelopes." However, the rugby game in the evening deserved to be featured - especially because the NATO team actually won. So I dug and founf both "Rugby" and "Action photography. Take a photo of something or someone in motion." My roofline is really an upskirt of my eaves, but close enough.


Motion / action. Gosh I miss playing rugby...

Day 7 (203): 29th of June
Wanted to keep it simple to end the week, and found a Do that only asked for "A picture of something that means the world to you, but nothing to anyone else." Pretty simple, what with Flipper still following me around the world. He's been with me since my English grandmother gave him to me before she died (I was maybe five?). Such a nice bloke, Flipper is. Not the best photo, but full of love.

Lots of iPhoneto work this week. Partly because the OKDOTHIS app is on the phone, and partly because the mobile shots just sometimes looked better. 

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